Advertise With Welland Valley Feeds
Once received, your ad will be moderated and once approved will appear‚ on our website and on our in-store notice board.
Adverts usually go live on our website and notice board every Friday. Adverts will appear for one calendar month from going live. If you require a longer-term advert, please contact the store to discuss your requirements.
See our rates and advertising policy below:
Rates for 2024
Lineage Adverts:‚
£5 For up to 30 words
£10 For up to 60 words
**Please ensure you select the correct option for your advert size**
Advertising Policy
For safety reasons, we will not include any second-hand Riding Hats or Body Protectors.
Adverts should be specific to our industry.
It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure they comply with the law when advertising.
We will moderate adverts for appropriateness and quality and reserve the right to cancel and refund any adverts that do not meet our internal guidelines.
Thank You.
More Information
For products & orders available for UK Shipping:
Order before 12pm for same day despatch.
Please note the quantities displayed on the website may not reflect the actual quantities available in our warehouse as there's a small delay when adjusting stock levels. Thank you for understanding.